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Career Opportunities

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Business Manager, Consulting Practice

The Business Manager, Consulting Practice will play a pivotal role in driving business growth, managing client relationships and leading our team of consultants. This position encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and requires a strategic thinker with strong leadership, relationship and project management skills, OD and HR experience, and a proven track record in business development.

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Our Social Commitment

At ODYSSEY CONSULTinc, we uphold an uncompromising principle that our communities are an extension of ourselves, so we respect and positively contribute to our people and institutions.

Jazz Artists

ODYSSEY CONSULTinc is a longstanding partner of Jazz Artists on the Greens (JAOTG), an annual live-music production hosted by Production One Limited. The event showcases world-class artists and musical talents from across the Caribbean.

Enabling Enterprise

NiNa Young Women’s Entrepreneurship Programme

NiNa – an entrepreneurial skills programme is an initiative of Gender and Entrepreneurship Specialist, Akosua Dardaine-Edwards to promote an entrepreneurial culture among young persons, particularly young women. The first of its kind in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean, ODYSSEY CONSULTinc has actively supported NiNa since its inception in 2010.