Our Expertise
Our systemic approach to Organisational Development and Human Resource interventions is built on our proven OD models and tools. We understand your issues and analyse your strategies to provide the best solutions.

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Extended DISC ® Assessments help decision-makers in organisations to select the best talent, develop employees and improve team performance. We administer Extended DISC ® Assessments, with options for customisation and expert consulting support.
Organisational Development Consultants
We have been serving the region for over 30 years as a leading Organisational Development and Human Resource Consultancy. At Odyssey Consultinc, we infuse organisational development processes into client systems, delivering a full range of OD and HR services through purposeful client engagement and partnerships.
Our approach is systemic, providing a holistic framework for generating outputs of excellence and delivering unparalleled value for each client.
Exploring psychosocial & organisational impacts of COVID-19 — L. Anthony Watkins (March 2020)
Align your purpose, optimise performance
105 Seventh Street, Barataria, Trinidad
[email protected]
(868) 674-4964 / 8768